Dear Sam

Bowermans and Style have had a relationship that goes back around 8 years, and we have both been through both good and tough times in our businesses.
Style through yourself, Ray and the team that supports us, whether they be in administration, the upholsterers, foam cutters, assemblers and truck drivers are at all times a pleasure to deal with.

We have numerous chair suppliers attempting to get a share of our business, offering deals and incentives all the time. Sometimes we get tempted, but seldom do they last, as we soon realise that what we really need is good service, constant supply, flexibility, a fair price, a familiar face and a commitment to honour their promises. Style always comes to the fore and this is why you have been able to build up a successful business with a great reputation. We like selling Style chairs because you make it easy, it is as simple as that.

We appreciate your commitment to us and the mutual growth of our combined businesses.


Bryan Rutter
Managing Director
Bowermans Office Furniture Pty Ltd